Helium hotspot
Helium hotspot

helium hotspot

With the under the dot move it until you see a pointed finger come up then click on the green dot with the finger. If there are green dot hover the hand over one and then under. Scroll in as far as you can to your area.

helium hotspot

You can see what devices are earning by entering your address in the search box at this location Start with the overview then scroll in to your state and area. Those companies will need to pay for that data in Helium crypto which they will then convert to data credits.

helium hotspot

In the future when there is sufficient density of the devices IHub devices will be capturing data from the IOT or internet of things and selling data to companies for far less than they have to pay for it now. Note IHub is open in the US Canada Mexico UK and much of Europe. Remember the hot spot is first mining the crypto coin Helium. 80% of the Helium revenue generated by a hot spot device is paid out to affiliates. IHub Global sold the first devices in early 2019 using an affiliate business model. The company IHub Global was formed to be a growth engine for the Hot Spot devices. Companies pay for it with a crypto currency labeled Helium created by the company Helium. The company Helium in 2013 developed the idea of collecting data from sensors and selling the data to companies that buy it for a lot less than they are paying now. Today companies have that have sensors on packages, thermostats, parking meters, pet collars and much more are paying for the data transmitted by those sensors using the Internet as we know of it today. In this article and you will learn about IOT or the Internet of things.

Helium hotspot